July 2019 Newsletter
Car Wash (June 2019)
July Birthdays
Patricia- July 2, Kenny- July 14, Sandra- July 15​, Shirley- July 18
Ryan- July 21, Semion- July 24, Bobby- July 28
If we do not have your birthday here and you would like to be celebrated, please tell staff
All June birthdays will be celebrated with Kevin and Chas on Saturday, July 13 at 4:30pm.
Dates to remember in July
FUN AT GEARY PARK - Every Wednesday, 2pm. Meet us outside the centre to walk to Geary Park together or just meet us there! We will be there until 3:30 for snacks, games and relaxing in the sun or under a shady tree.
SUMMER BBQs - Every Wednesday in June, 5pm. Jeanne will be firing up the BBQ!
ART THERAPY - Every Thursday, 6pm. We are so excited to announce that Art Therapy sessions will begin June 6th. Anny, a senior Art Therapy student, will be facilitating an Art Therapy group. You can also let her know if you are interested in one-to-one sessions. Welcome Anny!
OUTING TO WATCH TONY’S PLAY- Saturday, June 15 at 5:30pm. Come and support our friend Tony! Only room for 8- please sign up. **NOTE: the centre will remain open!
CAR WASH FUNDRAISER - Thursday, June 20, 4-6pm. Come and give us a hand with our first car wash of the season! All helpers get a free BBQ dinner.
OUR PLACE CHOIR - Fridays at 4pm. Join our extremely talented volunteer, Dion, every Friday to sing your heart out! All voices are welcome and singing experience is not required.
OUTING TO THE TORONTO ZOO - Wednesday, June 26th at 12pm. We are renting a bus and hitting the road to the ZOO! Please sign up ahead of time. **NOTE: You must be at the centre at 12pm SHARP! Centre will be closed that day.
COMMUNITY MEETING - Thursday, June 27th at 4pm. Come and find out what special events are coming up in the following month and have a say in what goes on in the Our Place community.
CANADA DAY BBQ - Friday, June 28th at 5pm. Wear your red!
FREE PIZZA PARTY - Saturday, Saturday, June 29 at 5:30pm. Everyone welcome!
Highlights from June
Our first Car Wash was a big success! We will be doing another one in July. Thank you to everyone who helped out- it was a team effort!
We rented a big bus and took 26 people to the Toronto Zoo. Thank you for all of the memories!
A group went to go and see Tony’s play. Everyone was really impressed and is very proud of him. Thank you for inviting us Tony!
With the weather finally improving, we were able to spend lots of time outside - between weekly trips to Geary Park and BBQs outside, we got a ton of much-needed fresh air.
We welcomed Manisha and Vladimir to the team and are so happy to have them!
Our Place Good Deeds &
Random Acts of Kindness
Ed is always very helpful with any tech issues.
Pedro and Helena helped push MP at the Zoo.
When one of our members was in the hospital, many of his friends from Our Place went to visit him.
Helena has really made the plants at Our Place thrive.
David fixed the women’s toilet.
At the June Community Meeting, Natasha asked everyone to identify any random acts of kindness they have witnessed:
Ben gave his raffle winnings to Hope.
Suzanne pointed out that Dave always helps Hope get her walker down the stairs.
Jeanne bought Natasha veggie dogs.
James pointed out that David and Marcello help out a lot around the centre.
Karen pointed out what a great job Helena has done with the plants.
Good deeds like these don't go unnoticed
and are what makes Our Place such
a special community to be part of. Thank you!
A Few Things From Staff
Conflict Resolution
We hope you will join us for the 3-part Conflict Resolution Training in July. Conflict is inevitable in life but there are effective ways of dealing with it that can promote positive relationships. Come and learn some tools and techniques!
Summer Safety
With temperatures rising, we want to remind everyone to stay hydrated, apply sunscreen and seek shade when you are able. Please let staff know if you need assistance accessing shelter, sunscreen or anything else that might help you stay safe this summer. We are here to help!​
Thank you for another great month. From all of us here
at Our Place, we wish you a safe and fun-filled July!
~ Alanna, Christie, Cleopatra, Dane,
Jeanne, Jona, Kristel, Manisha, Vladimir & Natasha
Peach, Beet, and Arugula Salad
Preparation Time: 15 minutes | Cooking time: 20 minutes | Serves 4
3 Ontario Beets, about 2 inches in diameter
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1 tbsp Ontario liquid honey
2 tbsp white wine vinegar
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
¼ cup vegetable oil
½ tsp dried tarragon leaves
Pinch each salt and pepper
2 Ontario shallots, sliced
2 Ontario peaches
2 bunch Ontario Arugula
½ cup crumbled Ontario Goat Feta Cheese
2 tbsp roasted hulled pumpkin seeds
Trim beets, keeping 1 inch stem attached; place in small pot, cover with cold water and bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes, or until almost tender. Drain and rinse under cold water. Place in ice water until cold. Peel and slice into wedges.
Meanwhile, in a small bowl, whisk together mustard, honey, vinegar and lemon juice. Slowly whisk in oil. Season with tarragon, salt and pepper.
In bowl, combine beets, shallots and 2 tbsp of the dressing; let stand for 10 minutes or up to 1 hour.
Peel peaches and slice into wedges.
In large salad bowl, place arugula. Add beet mixture and peaches, toss gently, tasting and adding more dressing as desired. Sprinkle cheese and seeds.
Tip: Store any leftover dressing in a sealed jar in the refrigerator.
Banana Loaf
½ cup butter or margarine (125ml at room temperature)
2/3 cup granulated sugar (150ml)
1 large egg
2 large ripe bananas, peeled and mashed
1 tbsp. baking soda, dissolved in 1 tbsp. (15ml) water
1 ½ cups all-purpose flour (375ml)
1 tbsp. baking powder (5ml)
1 tbsp. chopped walnuts (optional)
Preheat oven to 325 F (160 C). Have ready a non-stick or lightly greased 8-1/2 x 4.1/2- inch (6 cup/1.5L) loaf pan
In a medium bowl, beat together butter, sugar and egg until pale yellow and fluffy. Beat in bananas and dissolved baking soda until well combined. The mixture may look slightly curdled at this point.
In a separate bowl, sift together flour and baking powder. Gradually fold flour into banana mixture until well combined.
Spoon into loaf pan and smooth surface. Sprinkle chopped walnuts over top, if used, and bakes for 1 hour or until risen and golden, and cake tester inserted in center comes out clean. Turn out and let cool on a wire rack.
Preparation time: 15 Minutes
Cooking Time: 1 Hour
Makes: 1 Loaf
Toronto Zoo trip (June 2019)