Our Place Community of Hope provides a safe and inclusive space for adults experiencing mental health issues to become part of a community, while making connections to additional services and supports.
Founded in 1969, Our Place provides a front line response to the changing needs of people living in the community with mental illness.
In the late 1970’s and early 80’s there was a period of de-institutionalization – with the closing of psychiatric hospitals in favour of community based care.
Many years later, there remains a gap in community services available to support the needs of people living with mental illness.
Our Place strives to fill that gap by providing a safe, stable environment for its membership to meet, connect and build relationships.
Our Place Community of Hope assists people in recovery in building skills for independent living in a community which seeks to include all people through by empowering them toward personal and communal responsibility.
Our Place is located within the Galilee Korean Presbyterian Church at 1183 Davenport Road, corner of Oakwood between Ossington and Dovercourt, easily accessed by the Ossington 63 North bus.
Our Place is a program of St. Michael's Homes and a Member Agency of Catholic Charities, supported by ShareLife, and is grateful for the ongoing support in providing services to people living with mental illness.